August 16, 2013

TV Characters with Style: Emily Thorne from Revenge

Here's where I discuss television characters as if they are real people to show you my favorite for style inspiration. My major inspiration is Emily Thorne from Revenge. I'm crazy about her style, and it's  probably because she's a millionaire and dresses the part so well.

I love that Emily's style is sophisticated and elegant but also not too old for her age. She does black-tie and business attire just as well as she rocks casual, beachy looks. Emily focuses on timeless, classic styles and primary colors perfectly accented with simple and minimal accessories.

Sometimes when I'm trying to decide to buy something (well before I implemented my Shop Smarter Strategy!) I will think, Would Emily Wear This? A little nutty? Definitely. But if you love a character's style and use it as your own inspiration, it's sort of a good way to make sure something is in line with that style. Yeah I know, still nutty. Here are some of the looks I love:

Capitol Hill Style said it well, defining Emily's style:






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