August 15, 2013

Shopping Smarter

On a recent impulsive shopping trip to Old Navy, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try out my new strategy.

The impulsive shopping trips are always the ones that cause me to make the worst shopping decisions. On these types of shopping trips, I'm not out shopping for anything specific, I'm simply in the mood to spend (which is bad!) Here's a recap of how this shopping trip went, using my new strategy:
Item #1: Printed Tunic (this color is out of stock online)
I loved this tunic (and it was on sale for $14!) but it definitely broke a lot of my rules. First of all, I don't think I would have paid full price of $29.94 for it. Secondly, It's unquestionably a summer or vacation top which would look very odd worn in any other season. Also, I just couldn't think of several occasions to wear it.  I did think it would look equally cute with white skinny jeans, white shorts, and denim jeans.
The decision: I followed my rule to sleep on it, and put it on hold.

The second item was this cute tie-dye beach cover up. I loved it and it was on sale for $20 (from $24.94), and would have still paid full price for it.

I loved this, but besides possibly on a few boat trips - I wasn't sure how much I would wear it. If I owned a pool or was planning a beach vacation soon, I probably would have grabbed it, but sadly neither of those is true.  
The decision: put on hold
This dress I was unsure about, and was shopping for only one occasion in mind, the cookout I was attending that day. Other than that, I wasn't sure where else I would wear it, to work with a cardigan maybe? It was a really sweet dress, but I also wasn't sure how flattering it was. It was not on sale, so I knew I didn't just like it because it was on sale, and it could also be worn in three seasons I thought.
The decision: I was definitely unsure on this one, so on hold it went.
Actually, I was definitely unsure of all three items I selected, which should be the golden rule of my entire strategy: if you don't immediately love something, don't get it! You either know, or you don't.
So, I put them all on hold and decided to think about it for a day. I never went back, and feel ok about it , knowing that these three items don't really have a place in my closet.
 That same night out to dinner, I saw a woman wearing a similar style top to the tunic, and I felt a small pang of "should I have gotten that!?" but it quickly passed.

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